Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Can SlurryForSoil™ really deliver all the benefits you claim? 

In short, yes! 

One of SlurryForSoil™’s strengths is the diversity of microbes it contains. And, just like each species in a grassland ecosystem, for example, performs different functions and fulfils a niche, the soil-borne microbes all have multiple functions and niches.  

All of the 18 bacteria and fungi in SlurryForSoil™ have been selected because they improve plant growth in some way. While they all digest parts of slurry, capturing nutrients that are later released in the soil, some also help plants defend themselves against pests and pathogens and others enhance plants’ ability to access water.

This means that adding SlurryForSoil™ to your slurry has multiple benefits – from digesting and liquefying slurry, which makes it easier to handle and apply, to enhancing plant and soil health.

In turning slurry into a highly effective bioactive fertiliser, SlurryForSoil™ enables you to reduce fertiliser applications and that saves you money (as well as lowering your farm’s carbon footprint). With its wide range of microbes, SlurryForSoil is the most comprehensive product on the market
and the only one focused on soil health and forage yields.

Find out more, here.  

How does SlurryForSoil™ reduce a farm’s carbon footprint?


SlurryForSoil™ has proven, on-farm and in independent trials, to reduce the need for costly artificial fertiliser which is not only carbon intensive to produce and transport but is directly linked to carbon emissions at application. Analysis of our trials has shown that SlurryForSoil™ can reduce the carbon footprint per unit of forage by up to 51.9% (find out more here). 

In addition, SlurryForSoil™ reduces the time needed to stir slurry in storage – saving the associated fuel and its emissions. 

Anecdotally, users report that slurry treated with SlurryForSoil™ is absorbed into grassland quicker which is also likely to lower emissions, as well as reduce leaching and run-off. 


How does SlurryForSoil™ reduce the need for fertiliser?

The microbes in SlurryForSoil™ consume the slurry – it’s their food. In doing so, they break down the complex organic materials into simpler forms which other soil organisms can eat, and/or trap the nutrients in their bodies. In these forms, the nutrients from the slurry are more accessible to other soil organisms and the plants themselves.

Many of the microbes in SlurryForSoil are endophytes and spend at least part of their life cycle living inside plant roots. Here, the captured nutrients are made directly available to the plant in return for ‘exudates’ (a carbon-rich substance plants release from their roots) which the microbes feed on. It is a symbiotic relationship, beneficial to both the microbes and the plant. 

SlurryForSoil contains a number of fungi.  These are well known for developing extensive mycelia which are enable access water and nutrients plants can not. But, through their symbiotic relationships plants benefit from the resources these fungi can gather.  It’s a particularly important relationship during times of drought stress, for example.  

Find out more about how SlurryForSoil™ works here


What return on investment can I expect from SlurryForSoil™?

In our farm trials, SlurryForSoil™ has improved margins by an average of £55/acre.  

As well as reducing dependence on inorganic fertilisers (by approximately 20 to 30% in farm trials), SlurryForSoil lowers the need for expensive phosphates, potassium and sulphur inclusions. 

Increases in forage and/or crop yields further enhances profitability.  In the trial at Duchy College, grass yields increased by nearly 20% and on-farm trials has seen yields in excess of 30%.

While it’s not been included in our calculations, farmers have also recognised cost savings with less time and fuel spent mixing and spreading treated slurry.

How much SlurryForSoil™ do I need?

SlurryForSoil™ is sold in packs of 0.5kg, 2kg or 5kg and costs £57.50/kg. How much you need will depend on how much slurry you’re treating. As a guide it’s 1kg of SlurryForSoil™ for every 120m3 (or 120,000 litres or 26,500 gallons) of slurry. 

You can use our online calculator to find out how much you need, or feel free to get in touch by calling us on 01559 370 222 or emailing

How much will SlurryForSoil™ cost?


SlurryForSoil™ costs £57.50 per kg (ex VAT and delivery). 

Is it easy to apply SlurryForSoil™?

Yes, SlurryForSoil™ is very quick and easy to use.  It arrives in a powdered form. You simply need to add warm water (30-35C), wait for at least 45 minutes, stir and pour the mixture into your slurry store. Full instructions will arrive with your order.

While SlurryForSoil™ can be added at any time, the sooner the slurry is inoculated after housing the quicker the microbes can get to work. It’s why we recommend applying SlurryForSoil™ as soon as possible.

After 10-12 weeks, or when tanks are emptied, we recommend a booster dose at half the original rate. Simple and quick

When is too late to apply SlurryForSoil™?

SlurryForSoil can be used at any time, but it is better to use the product as soon as possible.  Just 6-8 weeks after applying SlurryForSoil™ you can often see visible differences in the slurry’s texture. How quickly that happens depends on a variety of factors.  Like many living things, the microbes’ metabolism and reproduction is influenced by a wide variety of factors such as temperature. The best results are seen after 10-12 weeks.

How long does SlurryForSoil™ take to work?

SlurryForSoil™ will start working very quickly after it has been added to the store. As a live product, how quickly depends on a variety of factors such as temperature and slurry content etc. After 6-8 weeks, differences to the slurry’s texture are usually visible.  The best results are seen after 10-12 weeks. 

What does the phrase “bioactive fertiliser” mean?

“Bioactive fertiliser” describes the resulting product of slurry treated with SlurryForSoil™.  It is biologically active substance that contains the nutrients plants need for healthy and robust growth. Importantly, the phrase describes the ongoing biological activity in the slurry.

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