Sylgen Animal Health announces distribution partnership with McCaskie Agriculture

Sylgen Animal Health, manufacturer of the award-winning slurry inoculant, SlurryForSoil, is proud to announce its distribution partnership with McCaskie Agriculture, Scotland’s premier supplier of top-quality animal ...

Soil Association approves SlurryForSoil™ for use in organic systems

Sylgen Animal Health is delighted to announce its products, SlurryForSoil™ (SFORS®) and SlurryKing, have been approved for use in organic systems by the Soil Association. ...

How do the microbes in SlurryForSoil help plants access nutrients and water?

SlurryForSoil’s complex blend uses advanced microbial technology to improve nutrient access and uptake. The microbes not only capture the nutrients in slurry, but when these ...

Invest in slurry to improve soil:plant relationship

In June 2024, Slygen Animal Health Director, Romney Jackson featured alongside Terrafarmer‘s soil health specialist, Tom Tolputt, in an article in Cow Management.  You can read the ...

Sylgen Animal Health to exhibit at Down To Earth

Sylgen Animal Health, the innovators behind SlurryForSoil™, will be exhibiting at the Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers (RABDF) Down to Earth event on 3rd ...

SlurryForSoil™ to debut at Groundswell

Sylgen Animal Health, the pioneering manufacturers of SlurryForSoil™, will be exhibiting, for the first time, at Groundswell, at Lannock Manor Farm in Hertfordshire, on June ...
SlurryForSoil is a 'gateway innovation' - enabling farmers to use other low emissions technologies.

GB dairy farmers set to save nearly 4,000t of carbon with bio-tech

As part of its wider sustainability initiative, Leprino Foods, the world’s largest mozzarella cheese maker, is investing in biological technology that is on course to ...

Soil-born microbes bring benefits from slurry to silage

Duchy College trial demonstrates the benefits of adding SlurryForSoil™ to slurry are carried through to silage. Replicating and extending a trial first conducted back in 2021, Duchy ...

Preparing for the impacts of climate change

Kite Consulting and AB Agri recently conducted a survey of dairy farmers. Almost all (95%) said climate change was costing their business, yet less 50% have a ...
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