To demonstrate that SlurryForSoil is more than just an additive, a man's muddy hand gestures towards the other holding a pile of soil.

SlurryForSoil – a slurry additive or slurry inoculant?

Why do we describe SlurryForSoil as a slurry inoculant not a slurry additive? ‘Slurry additive’ is a commonly used term but it fully describe what ...

SlurryForSoil increases yields by over 30% in Harper Adams trial

Fresh grass yields increased by 31.25% SlurryForSoil increased fresh grass yields by 31.25% and dry matter yields by 26% in a separated slurry trial hosted ...

Sylgen Animal Health announces distribution partnership with McCaskie Agriculture

Sylgen Animal Health, manufacturer of the award-winning slurry inoculant, SlurryForSoil, is proud to announce its distribution partnership with McCaskie Agriculture, Scotland’s premier supplier of top-quality animal ...

Soil Association approves SlurryForSoil™ for use in organic systems

Sylgen Animal Health is delighted to announce its products, SlurryForSoil™ (SFORS®) and SlurryKing, have been approved for use in organic systems by the Soil Association. ...

How do the microbes in SlurryForSoil help build soil structure?

The microbes in SlurryForSoil were specifically chosen for their abilities to support plant health and resilience. One of the many benefits of the different rhizobacteria ...

How do the microbes in SlurryForSoil boost stress tolerance and plant growth

The 18 types of rhizobacteria and fungi in SlurryForSoil have been scientifically proven to increase tolerance to different types of stress, encourage plant defences, and ...

How do the microbes in SlurryForSoil help plants access nutrients and water?

SlurryForSoil’s complex blend uses advanced microbial technology to improve nutrient access and uptake. The microbes not only capture the nutrients in slurry, but when these ...

SlurryForSoil to exhibit at UK Dairy Day 2024

Sylgen Animal Health will be exhibiting their pioneering cost-saving product, SlurryForSoil, at UK Dairy Day 2024 on the 11th September at Telford International Centre. Dairy ...

How SlurryForSoil’s microbial technology improves soil and plant health

SlurryForSoil™ uses advanced, second-generation microbial technology, with microbes specifically chosen for their abilities to enhance soil structure, health, and productivity. Our formula contains 18 different ...
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