How SlurryForSoil’s microbial technology improves soil and plant health

SlurryForSoil™ uses advanced, second-generation microbial technology, with microbes specifically chosen for their abilities to enhance soil structure, health, and productivity. Our formula contains 18 different species, all with unique properties that support plant and soil health, and ultimately economic sustainability and carbon footprint reduction.

Too small to be seen without a microscope, the Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) and Plant Growth Promoting Fungi (PGPF) in SlurryForSoil have been selected for their abilities to break down organic matter, capture and retain nutrients, and work with plants to ensure they have nutrition as and when they need it.

Found naturally living in the area around plant roots – the rhizosphere – these microbes are well known for their close, beneficial relationships with plants. Many are endophytes and live, at least for some of their lives, inside the plant.

Scientific research has shown that the combination of microbes in SlurryForSoil has benefits in five key areas that all help deliver an impressive return on investment: 

1) Break down organic matter

2) Increase nutrient and water access and uptake

3) Increase stress tolerance and plant growth

4) Enhances grass quality and yields

5) Support bioremediation and phytoremediation (protects against toxins and break down chemicals including micro-plastics)

In our upcoming blog series, we will be explaining how microbes support these five processes in more detail. You can find our first post: ‘How does SlurryForSoil™ turn slurry into a highly effective bio-active fertiliser?’ hereCheck our ‘news’ section or our social media in the coming weeks for more.

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